Rules of adoption

Прошу всіх, хто серцем обирає у нас бульдога - сироту, УВАЖНО читайте всі правила, зважте заздалегідь свої сили, моральні, фізичні, фінансові. Подумайте про ваших близьких, дітей, тварин - це повинно бути зважене спільне рішення. I поважайте, будь ласка, нашу працю i дорогоцінний час, читайте усі пости, щоб не ставити питання, відповіді на які є в анкеті, постах та правилах. Ми 24/7 допомагаємо тим, хто сам себе врятувати не може, вирішуючи всі проблеми тих, кого ви хочете забрати до себе. Залишаємо посилання на основні правила адопції, для потенційних батьків.

Rules of adoption

Правила для тих, хто хоче взяти бульдога чи мопса у Благодійному Фонді порятунку. Робота по вiдбору сiм'ї - це одна iз найвідповідальніших частин рятування. Тому що люди, якi забирають у сім'ї наших врятованих, викуплених, пiдлiкованих, прооперованих та відмовних бульдогiв та мопсів - беруть на себе вiдповiдальнiсть як мiнiмум на 5-10 рокiв їх подальшого забезпечення, кохання та пiклування. Тому перш нiж заповнювати анкету, будь ласка, прочитайте правила адопцiї.

Only the future owner can be the owner of a bulldog or a pug, because he is responsible for them. Therefore, requests on the topic: "I'm interested for friends", "for my mother", "for a neighbor" are not considered at all. All of them should contact us personally, and not through you - as intermediaries.
Bulldogs and pugs are not allowed on a chain, in enterprises, on the street or in enclosures. Each of them deserves the best maintenance and care - these breeds are decorative. Therefore, they live only in the house, on the couch.
All bulldogs and pugs are given only as family members - a friend, a human being. But not for protection, not a gift for grandchildren and children, and not for "I've been dreaming for so long" or "give me someone."
Our choice of parents differs from other volunteers in the principle of selection. Our principle in work is that we do not choose dogs for people, we choose people for dogs. Without specifying the name, the questionnaire will not be considered!!!
The selection of a potential family takes place through the filling out of a questionnaire and subsequent interview with the legal guardian and curator. During the interview, first of all, it is determined whether you are suitable for our bulldog or pug, and not the other way around. If you really want to adopt someone from us, it does not mean that you will really be given one, one wish is not enough, first of all we consider your capabilities, experience, living conditions and why you need a completely unsocialized dog with health and psychosomatic problems.
If you declare your desire to "get a bulldog or a pug", then try to remember both her or his name, and do not write about a virtual dog. The posts include their names and stories! This is disrespect to those for whom a piece of life, money, time and a part of the heart of an animal rights activist were laid down. Personally, we are alarmed by the fact that you don't have anyone to pick up. Choose with your mind and heart! Respect those who save and the one who is saved!
If you declare your desire to "get a bulldog or a pug", then try to remember both her or his name, and do not write about a virtual dog. The posts include their names and stories! This is disrespect to those for whom a piece of life, money, time and a part of the heart of an animal rights activist were laid down. Personally, we are alarmed by the fact that you don't have anyone to pick up. Choose with your mind and heart! Respect those who save and the one who is saved!
We do not sell our bulldogs and pugs. We are already trying to treat them as much as possible, they are all sterilized and vaccinated. There are no hidden conditions. All bulldogs are transferred from the Charity Fund for free, we do not sell dogs. But there is a Charity contribution in the amount of UAH 3500 per bag of fodder - a premium for those who are dependent on us for life. If one of the potential parents has a desire to contribute a larger amount of money, we are very happy and accept such a step as a charity. Many parents have to spend a lot of money in the future to fully cure, restore and rehabilitate difficult bulldogs. Many of them have chronic and serious illnesses, disabilities, and injuries that require huge amounts of money.
After reading the terms of adoption, you need to fill out the form. The link to fill out the questionnaire is at the end of the text, or we give it in personal messages.
All our bulldogs and pugs for one reason or another have psychomatic disorders, are not social and are not toilet trained. Therefore, when you take such a dog into your home, you must clearly understand all the responsibility and scope of work to restore, if not physical, then emotional state. We don't know anything about them: how they will behave with your children and your animals, we don't know either. Therefore THINK.
Communication with the curator: for the first month, you are obliged to provide us with photo and video reports every week on how our bulldog or pug lives with you. Then, during the year, monthly photo reports. The guardian is always in touch with parents: for advice, support and reporting.
All parents must be registered on Facebook or Instagram and be our followers.
If for some reason you can no longer care for the bulldog or pug taken from the Charity Fund, you return it. You have no right to pass it on to another person without notifying us. And the options "kick the dog out into the street" or "hand over to the shelter" are not considered at all. We are always ready to take our children back.
All animals in your home must be vaccinated and treated for theirs security
We, as the official guardians of all rescued dogs of the Charity Foundation and their legal representatives, reserve the right to refuse you the adoption of our bulldog or pug.

Давайте поважати час один одного та не займати ефiр, якщо ви не згодні чи не відповідаєте цим пунктам.

I завжди пам'ятайте, що ми шукаємо бульдогу чи мопсу людину, а не людині собаку чи мрію.

Прочитавши правила адопції, заповніть анкету майбутніх батьків, щоб забрати в родину когось з наших підопічних.

Who are they, our subordinates

This information is for those who want to adopt a French, English bulldog or pug from us. For those who naively write in personal messages: "I want to take a dog from you, how to contact you, give your phone number." So, my dears, this text is especially for you. Usually, just a few words and conditions of adoption are enough to repel the urge to take a dog from such people, but those who stay after such a text and persistently ask, these are our future puppy parents.

Who are they: pupils of our group? Refusal. A bulldog or a pug that was abandoned by the owners. They threw it away. They came to hand over the powder. Abandoned after they stopped bringing profit in breeding. Most of those whom we save are sick, aggressive, hysterical or, on the contrary, afraid of everything that surrounds them, old or disabled. Each separately or all listed, can be in one bulldog or pug. Most of them are not vaccinated and do not have any documents. Food - leftovers from the table and even compound feed for farm animals, it is brewed and fed on breeding farms. They are not toilet trained. They are not trained for walking, walking on a leash, I don't know what a collar is. They do not know commands and do not need anyone. Not grateful and do not owe anything to anyone. Tortured, dying, incredulous. Girls who pee everywhere and boys who are obsessed with sex. They don't ask for anything. They are powerless slaves, for whom man decides when and how many to give birth to, where to live and what to eat. We help some of them. We take them for curatorship, place them in shelters, inpatients and bring them to the house, to the family, to the sofa. After the device, we keep in touch and try not to lose sight of our rescued bulldogs and pugs for at least one year.
We do not sell, we do not set any financial conditions, we simply ask for a charitable contribution of 3500 hryvnias (depending on the purchase, sterilization and vaccinations). It is also important for us that you continue to have the opportunity to keep such a bulldog and a mop in your new life.
It happens that some bulldogs and pugs sit on hold for months and even years waiting for their person. It happens that the overstayer becomes a home and the answerer from the first days in his family.
We never know how our naughty bulldog will behave with your cat or cat. We don't know how he will be with your dog and how your dog will be with the refuser. We have an approximate description of the behavior that we have seen ourselves, or from a break or a clinic, but it is not exact.
We will always support, advise and help. But we don't know 100 percent how it will be for you. We know one thing, the first time will be difficult. The first three days are a madhouse, then two more difficult weeks. It will always be, it is an experience that has been gained over the years. Especially if the refuser is not the only animal in the new house.
З тими, хто "хоче", без імені та без "добрий день", з тими, хто не поважає, розмова закінчується швидко, без продовження. Нам спілкуватися як мінімум один рік з новим господарем, а без поваги та взаємної довіри - це неможливо.
Those who ask and want, do not overestimate your strength. Knowing nothing about the breed, not knowing what a refuser is, you get confused by the word "free", an expensive breed and you don't really want to help them. You are eager to get what you have only seen in pictures, but you don't have enough money for it. You will simply get something that will make you busy after a while and ask to take it back.
Remember, these are not toys, they are living beings who are unlucky in this life. Not a cheap toy. Sometimes, when we bring another misfortune to the family, we think about ourselves. How much more money do they need to get him or her back on their feet.
Our bulldogs and pugs are orphans, they don't ask to buy them, and the refusers are the dogs we bought. They don't ask to buy them, they don't ask for anything at all. We decide their fate so that it doesn't hurt too much later. cannot make a mistake - we have no such right. Neither moral, nor physical, nor material. Our foundation represents their interests, and the main thing is that they should be well, not you, your children or animals.
Before taking, you need to know

We continue the topic of adoption rules. A post for those who consider themselves potential parents. How the bulldogs and pugs that were saved by our foundation adjust. First and foremost - we do not sell bulldogs and pugs, but we have a charitable contribution of 3500 hryvnias. It does not give you the right to take a dog from us unconditionally. All our wards are placed only in good hands, of course under certain conditions. Conditions are not difficult for responsible people:

All rejectors must be sterile. Only after sterilization can they go to a new home. If someone does not like this rule, do not contact us, it is unchanged for anyone. It necessarily.
A conversation with fake pages ends quickly. We will not waste our time on a person who has problems with their own memory and who does not remember their own name, where they are from, and who has a closed profile.
Based on this point, a personal acquaintance with the curator is mandatory. Be prepared for the fact that the curator will talk to you on the phone for a long time. Don't be afraid, he doesn't bite. He needs to know where and how our bulldog or pug will live. Animals affected by cruel treatment or breeding are 99 percent followed to the end of their days.
In the first month, you are obliged to send us video and photo reports every week, and then every month during the year. We are always happy with greetings, replies and little reports on how our bulldog or pug is doing at your place. We do not push them away, we do not fulfill your "want". Each rescue story is individual and unique. We also do not leave the owner alone. Support on all fronts, if, of course, the owner is not a lying stone. But such devices were unique.
If you declare your desire to "take a French bulldog", then try to at least remember its name and call it a bulldog, not a virtual dog. The posts include their names and stories! Such disrespect for a bulldog, for which animal rights activists gave a piece of life, money, time and a part of their heart, worries me personally. Respect those who save! We don't care if you don't care. You will not wait for the answer. We save not you, not your dogs, but those that people gave up. And without respecting our work and the particular bulldog or pug, you will get nothing.
If you are from another settlement, then keep in mind that no one will send it to you by parcel or other delivery of our bulldogs or pugs. We do not deliver. You will either have to go for him (her) or pay for the delivery and look for it yourself.
It will be better if you start about yourself right away. Write your age, marital status. With whom and where you live territorially. Why do you need an orphan refuser and how did you come to such a decision. Do you have experience and other animals. Better yet, fill out the questionnaire of a potential father and write to us about it in private messages.
Last, and also very important, all our bulldogs and pugs, for one reason or another, have psychomatic disorders. Therefore, taking them into your home, you must understand all the responsibility and scope of work to restore, if not his physical, then his mental state. To a message like "I've wanted such a breed for a long time, but I don't have anything to buy it because it's expensive" or "if you have a suitable dog for me, let me know." Do not wait for an answer at all. And always remember that we are looking for a person for bulldogs and pugs, not for their person. All the best and good luck.
Respect the work of people of good will

A person has the opportunity to choose a relative only once in his life - when he gets a dog.

A text for those offended who were not given a dog.

We really ask everyone to remember, if you want to get a bulldog or a pug, then of course it will be your decision, where, when and from whom to take, buy or rescue. If someone himself rescues, brings home, cures and then decides finding a family is your full right to whom to trust. But if someone wants to take a bulldog or a pug from us, then the choice of parents and the decision is made only by us. Despite the fact that we save together, the responsibility for his further fate, already affected , as a minimum, morally a bulldog or a pug, we do not trust anyone. It happens that the decision is made collegially, if there is a curator. There will be no other rules, we will not change them. We don't know how many more bulldogs and pugs we can save, rehabilitate and supervise, but we always want less words and more action from people. And simple: "How can we help you?". Respect us, our work, everyone's personal choice. We are sure that without respect for the people who make the rescue of dogs a reality, who do a titanic job, it is impossible to give you our ward. You fill out the questionnaire and based on your answers, we will be able to find out how ready you are for difficulties, big and small. Do you have experience, to whom and for what you want to take a dog? For what purpose? There is no money to satisfy one's ambitions, wishes, for a nice dog, for children, for one's dog. Will you really go to any lengths for the sake of a new friend, morally, materially and physically - you will be able to withstand everything. Then we'll talk.

Take an adult dog - this

The memo is an instruction for those who are one step away from making a difficult and very responsible decision - to take an adult dog from a shelter into their home, whose previous life history is either unknown or has a traumatic experience. And now let's go a bit past canine recommendations - we are not dog experts, but we know for sure, from experience - you should have not only a general idea about dogs, but also about the behavioral characteristics of the breed and understand that a dog from a shelter has suffered cruel treatment from people and stress . All experience suggests that relationships with dogs from breeding, not socialized, with psychosomatics, stand on 4 pillars:


Well, everything is clear here - if you do not know how to love, then the relationship with someone alive will not be able to develop successfully by definition. It is desirable to have unconditional love at first.


If you do not have this personal quality, then in principle you should not have animals at all. Patience is not sacrifice. Patience is the ability to wait


This is probably the most difficult. Because this is where superficial knowledge is not enough. In order to properly interact with a dog that has experienced cruel treatment, lived in sheds and cages and other traumas (both psychological and physical), it is necessary to know how all this affects its psyche. And you will need such skills as observation, attentiveness and the ability to analyze everything you see. This is where you will need, perhaps, a competent (!) zoopsychologist. However, we know many stories when our bubble parents successfully coped on their own. All you need is a great desire and inclination to self-education.


Everyone knows the phrase that time is the best doctor. This is just as true with bulldogs and pugs as it is with people. They may require individual, that is, different dogs - a very different time to forget their past sad experience, learn a new one and start trusting a new person. A month is enough for some, and a year is not enough for others. Everything that has been said has an unbreakable foundation, the basis of which is your self-confidence, daily efforts and ability to respond. Think about it before you give in to the impulsive desire to adopt a French, English bulldog or pug with a difficult fate into your family. And also - you need to walk with them only on a leash until you establish a very reliable emotional contact. And even better - always walk in the city on a leash.