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Правила для тих, хто хоче взяти бульдога чи мопса у Благодійному Фонді порятунку. Робота по вiдбору сiм'ї - це одна iз найвідповідальніших частин рятування. Тому що люди, якi забирають у сім'ї наших врятованих, викуплених, пiдлiкованих, прооперованих та відмовних бульдогiв та мопсів - беруть на себе вiдповiдальнiсть як мiнiмум на 5-10 рокiв їх подальшого забезпечення, кохання та пiклування. Тому перш нiж заповнювати анкету, будь ласка, прочитайте правила адопцiї.
Давайте поважати час один одного та не займати ефiр, якщо ви не згодні чи не відповідаєте цим пунктам.
I завжди пам'ятайте, що ми шукаємо бульдогу чи мопсу людину, а не людині собаку чи мрію.
Прочитавши правила адопції, заповніть анкету майбутніх батьків, щоб забрати в родину когось з наших підопічних.
This information is for those who want to adopt a French, English bulldog or pug from us. For those who naively write in personal messages: "I want to take a dog from you, how to contact you, give your phone number." So, my dears, this text is especially for you. Usually, just a few words and conditions of adoption are enough to repel the urge to take a dog from such people, but those who stay after such a text and persistently ask, these are our future puppy parents.
We continue the topic of adoption rules. A post for those who consider themselves potential parents. How the bulldogs and pugs that were saved by our foundation adjust. First and foremost - we do not sell bulldogs and pugs, but we have a charitable contribution of 3500 hryvnias. It does not give you the right to take a dog from us unconditionally. All our wards are placed only in good hands, of course under certain conditions. Conditions are not difficult for responsible people:
A person has the opportunity to choose a relative only once in his life - when he gets a dog.
A text for those offended who were not given a dog.
We really ask everyone to remember, if you want to get a bulldog or a pug, then of course it will be your decision, where, when and from whom to take, buy or rescue. If someone himself rescues, brings home, cures and then decides finding a family is your full right to whom to trust. But if someone wants to take a bulldog or a pug from us, then the choice of parents and the decision is made only by us. Despite the fact that we save together, the responsibility for his further fate, already affected , as a minimum, morally a bulldog or a pug, we do not trust anyone. It happens that the decision is made collegially, if there is a curator. There will be no other rules, we will not change them. We don't know how many more bulldogs and pugs we can save, rehabilitate and supervise, but we always want less words and more action from people. And simple: "How can we help you?". Respect us, our work, everyone's personal choice. We are sure that without respect for the people who make the rescue of dogs a reality, who do a titanic job, it is impossible to give you our ward. You fill out the questionnaire and based on your answers, we will be able to find out how ready you are for difficulties, big and small. Do you have experience, to whom and for what you want to take a dog? For what purpose? There is no money to satisfy one's ambitions, wishes, for a nice dog, for children, for one's dog. Will you really go to any lengths for the sake of a new friend, morally, materially and physically - you will be able to withstand everything. Then we'll talk.
The memo is an instruction for those who are one step away from making a difficult and very responsible decision - to take an adult dog from a shelter into their home, whose previous life history is either unknown or has a traumatic experience. And now let's go a bit past canine recommendations - we are not dog experts, but we know for sure, from experience - you should have not only a general idea about dogs, but also about the behavioral characteristics of the breed and understand that a dog from a shelter has suffered cruel treatment from people and stress . All experience suggests that relationships with dogs from breeding, not socialized, with psychosomatics, stand on 4 pillars:
Well, everything is clear here - if you do not know how to love, then the relationship with someone alive will not be able to develop successfully by definition. It is desirable to have unconditional love at first.
If you do not have this personal quality, then in principle you should not have animals at all. Patience is not sacrifice. Patience is the ability to wait
This is probably the most difficult. Because this is where superficial knowledge is not enough. In order to properly interact with a dog that has experienced cruel treatment, lived in sheds and cages and other traumas (both psychological and physical), it is necessary to know how all this affects its psyche. And you will need such skills as observation, attentiveness and the ability to analyze everything you see. This is where you will need, perhaps, a competent (!) zoopsychologist. However, we know many stories when our bubble parents successfully coped on their own. All you need is a great desire and inclination to self-education.
Everyone knows the phrase that time is the best doctor. This is just as true with bulldogs and pugs as it is with people. They may require individual, that is, different dogs - a very different time to forget their past sad experience, learn a new one and start trusting a new person. A month is enough for some, and a year is not enough for others. Everything that has been said has an unbreakable foundation, the basis of which is your self-confidence, daily efforts and ability to respond. Think about it before you give in to the impulsive desire to adopt a French, English bulldog or pug with a difficult fate into your family. And also - you need to walk with them only on a leash until you establish a very reliable emotional contact. And even better - always walk in the city on a leash.